Rain of sins fanfic

Rain of sins fanfic. Good chapter. A plate of chocolate covered strawberries. The only access to the prison is a long bridge connected to a city with the entrance guarded by guards that check every vehicle going in. Granted he was mainly just in charge of doing routine checkups, and anytime something actually exciting happened he was delegated to the role of assistant, but that didn't really matter here. The recent employees I've acquired are… an interesting bunch. Toga in particular is a gamble. A slight change in temperature can change an entire hurricane's path, causing untold property damage and loss of life. Around him training robots exclusively used for the higher UA years closed in like a swarm of blood hungry sharks. Birds were singing. It was closer to the black of the beast's shadows than its original pure white, charred, stained, and smudged by the broken city. Quick to anger. Her long hair, usually so well cared for, was a complete mess, damp with water, and not even given the effort to put it up into a ponytail. There was a crunch of gravel, and a short muttered curse, as Stain landed closely behind him, stumbling slightly from landing on a badly bruised leg. There was food and entertainment of all kinds, from rigged carnival games, to the Heroes walking around as security- more than willing to show off for their fans and sign autographs. On paper it was a great idea, he only had time for one project but needed two things, so have that project be able to fit the requirements of both the things he needed. Found on FFN -Rain of Sins-The dictionary definition for the word Abyss is "a bottomless or unfathomed depth, gulf, or chasm; hence, any deep, immeasurable, and, specifically, hell, or the bottomless pit. -Rain of Sins--Trial of Fools: Ch 4-Meli Kinoshita sighed as she put down the stack of papers she'd been reading over, and took a sip of tea in an attempt to stave off her growing headache. Of all the people he expected to run into in the U. "Stop right there. -Rain of Sins-Momo sighed in relief as she collapsed into the soft, welcoming cushions of the lunch bench, dropping her tray of food unceremoniously onto the table. Not good, not bad, just a solid meh. Things were already looking grim. The sun was shining, the next episode of his favorite TV show came out, no fights had broken out in the bar, and he had even gotten an abnormally high tip from one of his regulars (not that he really needed it). Being the president of the Public Safety Commission meant being the de facto person that people went to when things went wrong. -Rain of Sins- Nighteye rolled as he impacted the roof, pain lancing up his spine as he put pressure on all his bruises and injuries. -Rain of Sins--Dominos and Butterflies: Ch 2-Ujiko whistled a jaunty tune as he reread the various files on Project Kronos- and why shouldn't he? His kiddo had found the best solution to the quirk singularity Ujiko had ever thought of! If Quirks got too powerful to control, just make something that erases them! Genius! -Rain of Sins--A Slippery Slope: Chapter 7-"Work smarter not harder… two birds with one stone…" The young scientist repeatedly mumbled to himself as he flipped yet another page. -Rain of Sins--A Test of Strength, not of Character: Ch 3-The room was cold, dark, and empty… almost abandoned. It was something he felt in his bones. -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: Shifting Winds--Shifting Winds: Ch 1-Bakugo sat down in his chair and took in his work. Izuku wore a gobsmacked expression on his face as he was led through the stale white hallways of the lab by Dr Ujiko. -Rain of Sins--Dark Revival: Ch 5-Bakugo was many things, but a "people person" was not one of them. There were good days, there were bad days, and then there was a third, special type of day- the type of day Yuyara had the wonderful fortune to be having at the moment. -Bakugo winds up with Momo in Rain segment, his sweat gets washed away before he can build up any decent sized explosions. Files [Kronos] and [Entropy] were fine, but [Rapture] would need a complete overhaul of the Nomu creation process in order to be successful, it'd require alterations beginning much sooner in the base material's life cycle as to -Rain of Sins--Shifting Winds: Ch 3-Pawn Log: Toga Himiko. -Rain of Sins--A Slippery Slope: Ch 6-There were three types of days that took place in the world. The evidence for this claim was many, the young pyromaniac was loud, boisterous, and made his presence known everywhere he went- Not to mention his quirk wasn't exactly subtle -Rain of Sins-The metal door slid open and Izuku walked into the room with confident strides, happy to finally be back in his now iconic black lab coat, several of his scientists ducking out of his way as he passed, but gave a strange look at the fact his hair was wet, and to the plate he was carrying. The man staring back at him looked half dead, scrawny, bony, malnourished, with deep bags under his eyes, and blood trickling from his lips into the sink below. A mistake in a lab lead to penicillin and saved millions of lives. "I know you're the Sovereign of Sins. … But. -Recap of how quirked people are more resilient -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: A Slippery Slope--A Slippery Slope: Ch 1-The sun was setting, creating a marasma of reds and blues on the horizon, birds sat on the overhanging telephone wires, singing their pretty songs, fluffy clouds drifted overhead, weaving together to form beautiful tapestries. " -Rain of Sins--Trial of Fools: Ch 8-The UA sports festival was a major event, lasting the whole week, with stands, stalls, booths, and vendors on every corner. Slowly they crept forward until one stepped over an invisible line. I will not risk that. Putting aside the mental trauma, parental issues, and numerous loose screws that come bundled with these three, they're inherently a security risk. If this were a normal story, this would be "book 2", and is now 100% completely canon divergent. Screens made to display various camera feeds, stood blank. -Rain of Sins-The outskirts of the large faux city was almost identical to how Ochako remembered it from the original training exercise, with the only noticeable difference being the fact that there were almost twice as many people crowded around as last time, with both classes 1-A and 1-B joining for joint-training. Brutish. Immediately Mirio's eyes opened and he lunged at the bot with a guttural -Rain of Sins--A Slippery Slope: Ch 5-Izuku had long since grown accustomed to working on the various nomu at the lab. -Rain of Sins- There was an ever so soft sound of metal scraping against metal, so quiet he wouldn't have even heard it if he hadn't been listening for it. -Rain of Sins--Breaking Point: Ch 5-Perhaps if All Might had been in worse shape- if he had already used up his 3 hours, and had begun funneling the flames of his quirk to a successor, the Nomu's numerous enhancements would have made this a one sided battle. -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: Burning Blood--Burning Blood: Ch 1-Drip~ Drip~ Drip~ The slightly muffled sound of fluid dripping into the IV bag filled the sanitized white walls of the medical room. -Warps Izuku away for "safety", Izuku winds up in mountain zone-Runs into Yuga Aoyama "I-i wasn't hi-hiding! I was just, uh, w-waiting to a-ambush you!", Yuga misses laser. The Rain of Sins by Z75 Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Teen And Up Audiences; Graphic Depictions Of Violence; F/M; Work in Progress; 11 Aug 2024 The Rain of Sins By: Z75. Tobo Abiko was in what you might call a "difficult situation". -Rain of Sins--Breaking Point: Ch 2-"All Might, it's truly a pleasure to see you again. The Rain of Sins. The ruby life essence glistened in the light as he held it up loosely in the air. Between being a sentient parasitic quirk, working under a mad scientist whose ideology was all about freeing people from quirks, and being a part of a secret shadow war against the most powerful Villain to ever live, her job was currently the definition of "high risk". What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for -Rain of Sins- Kuin was a mess, she knew she was a mess. -Rain of Sins--Dark Revival: Ch 2-Nighteye stared in horror out the window, at the gigantic form that towered along the skyline. " "N-Nighteye!?" The deflated number one Hero stared at his former partner in slack jawed shock, before shaking his head and attempting to regather his composure. Nezu, before all the bad blood between them, had once been a staunch friend of the Safety Commission, who, in turn, once had high hopes for the rat. The beast charged forward. As such they were exempt from the usual "UA shine" that the school blew so much of its budget on, to keep up appearances. Almost exactly a week ago, Japan was given a glimmer of hope, a sign of progress in these difficult times. Welcome to the Rain Of Sins, AKA Zack's writing, where everything goes wrong for everyone, because unlike mainstream media I believe struggling to overcome challenges is crucial in character growth. FanFiction | unleash Follow/Fav The Rain of Sins. Todoroki's little ice trick, while annoying, had probably prevented a lot of injuries by delaying most everyone, and keeping them out of the robot's "splash zone". . Truthfully he didn't have that many friends, wasn't great at public speaking, and with how quickly he usually resorted to shouting, there was a genuine argument to be made that he could be socially awkward. This was, at least, until they turned the corner. -End Chapter--Rain of Sins--Bonus Scene That Is Cannon For The Fic, But I Couldn't Find A Good Time To Put In-A week had come and gone without a response from UA but that was to be expected, it probably took them a decent amount of time to sort through all the resulting paperwork and scores from the entrance exam. -Rain of Sins-The hospital staff parted around the small group of men in black suits and tinted glasses, getting out of their way as fast as possible, as they made their way through the hospital with purpose in every step. " He said as he tied a bag around Jeremy's neck, containing the blood vials he had collected over the day. -Rain of Sins-Sulfur panted as he sprinted down the empty hallways, hopping over the downed bodies of Heroes and Villains alike. As much as I want to immediately analyze Endeavor, I have to hold myself back. Prideful. -Rain of Sins--Dark Revival: Ch 4-Mirio stood still with his arms crossed and eyes closed. The 'meh' day. Chapter 3-Despite what the outside of the building implied, the inside was very much not abandoned, full of people in lab coats running around doing various tasks. Lightning, thunder, and rain crashing in a symphony of terrifying beauty. 5-Tartarus. However, due to some sort of ill-fated cosmic irony, his poor hospital always seemed to come in ranked 11th every year in throughput of patients. His coat surged as the wind ripped around him. "Hold these for me. Even on the most beautiful of sunny days, the light, by its very nature, will always -Rain of Sins--Dark Revival: Ch 4. From the Nomu's back, Izuku watched a black armored train slowly come into view. Too eager, too quick, too angry and I might miss something important. " And yet it was true… it was, damnit! -Rain of Sins--Dominos and Butterflies: Ch 7-The city of Sugriah was an old industrial center, and during its heyday towards the end of the Quirk Collapse it had been a major hub of commerce, pumping out armored vehicles, bullets, guns, and explosives at a rate unmatched anywhere else in Japan, and had been nicknamed "The Metal Mountain" for the sheer volume of steel it exported. -Rain of Sins--Breaking Point: Ch 4-All for One, the most terrifying Villain in history, the man who had almost single handedly taken over Japan during the great collapse, the man who had wrought untold suffering throughout the world, the man who went toe to toe with All Might and stood his ground… -Rain of Sins--A slippery Slope: Ch 4-Some people might think the words 'Bakugo' and 'quiet' should never be put in the same sentence without an 'is not' between them. -Rain of Sins- The maintenance hallways running under the coliseum were unique in the fact that, unlike the rest of the building, not a single inch of them would be seen by visitors or the cameras. It was a strange statement, one that almost seemed nonsensical out of context. -Rain of Sins-A staticy camera feed flickered to life, revealing a vertical view of a grimy wooden floor. -Rain of Sins- " Early this morning, large groups of Villain launched coordinated assaults on five different HPSC offices around Tokyo, resulting in numerous casualties on both sides. Hot headed. What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and was woefully unprepared for how deep the rabbit hole went. -Rain of Sins--Phantoms Dance: Ch 7-Pawn Log 2: Shoto Todoroki. Kids and adults alike should be enjoying life. Kyudai Garaki sighed as he adjusted his slightly ill-fitting glasses, and walked through the well lit halls of Jaku General Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in japan, 9th in fact. -Rain of Sins--Burning Blood: Ch 6-Slowly having your senses return to you, alongside a dizzying amount of pain was something all Heroes in the Industry, with any real notoriety at all, would have to experience one time or another. On days like these. Kind of. The camera fuzzed for a moment, its internal motors trying to focus while the person holding it jostled about. Dabi is the oldest Todoroki not the youngest. -Rain of Sins- Bakugo snarled as he fired an explosion to propel himself to the side and out of the way of the giant frozen robot that was falling 50% apart, and 100% at them. -Rain of Sins--Burning Blood: Ch 2-Izuku sat in silence, deep in thought as he stared at his most recent blood vial. And since I want "Breaking Point", the single most important arc in the entire fic, to be more than 1 chapter, I'm splitting my huge wall of text into several shorter ones. -Rain of Sins--Trial of Fools: Ch 3-Aoyama watched through the window as Fumikage Tokoyami, one of the few consistent sources of conversation he had in UA's mini-hospital, walked down the road and towards his parents' car. A flash of lightning briefly lit up the distant clouds as the storm slowly began to roll in. -Rain of Sins-Bakugo stood staring off into the distance as rain drops slowly began to fall around him, hitting his head and wetting his hair. Lightning flashed, bathing the street in white. -Rain of Sins--Down the Rabbit Hole. An Abyss. Other students made their way past him as they exited the school, many giving him weird looks as they passed. A pebble kicked off a cliff can start an avalanche, destroying everything in its path. So instead I'll (pardon the terrible pun) warm up with a quirk similar to his. -Rain of Sins--Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 4-There have been multiple times in Izuku's life when he could just tell that he was screwed, it wasn't always about something he could see either, such as just before the slime villain popped out of the sewers. -Rain of Sins-Rain crashed down to the Earth in a torrent, no longer held back by a straining leash, the artificial storm raged down upon Japan with all its wrath. -Rain of Sins- I wrote this chapter, and then I kept writing, and then I realized, that I had accidentally written the entire Fucking arc into a single chapter. -Rain of Sins- Izuku paused, his finger hovering a hair's breadth above the enter key as he scanned over his notes. A -Rain of Sins-Dr. Very dark at times where he forms his own league. The place to come for fanfiction that takes place in or uses characters from the Boku no Hero Academia manga & anime. Arrogant. Countless monitors, lit with fast flowing information since the moment they had first been installed, sat dark. hallways, Nighteye was not one of them. By: Z75. Then the sound of something falling to the floor, light and soft, like a stuffed bear being dropped. " This, Izuku thought, was a perfect description for where he seemed to have found himself. " … -Rain of Sins--Dominos and Butterflies: Ch 3-UA hadn't always been a problem. Lighting lit up the sky near continuously, illuminating countless black wings in the air, as thunder drowned out the world -Rain of Sins--Phantoms Dance: Ch 6-The President of the United States of America was not a politician. The high-security prison is located on an island over five kilometers from the mainland, surrounded by giant metal walls that were bristling with defenses. -Rain of Sins--Phantoms Dance: Ch 9-Pawn Log 4: Endeavor. " An old woman in a doctor's coat stood up from her desk. "I'll want them back later. And even he, with all his ability and meticulous preparation skills, was a painfully familiar with the sensation. When fully stretched out, the thing stood as tall as some of the smaller skyscrapers. -Rain of Sins- -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: Down the Rabbit Hole--Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 1-Kurogiri had been having a good day, he really had. New Arc, new story. The Rain of Sins by Z75 (Teen) - Izuku asks a question that seemingly can’t be answered: What exactly is a Quirk? He is not prepared for the rabbit hole his search leads into. I do like that Eve, despite having a computer in her brain, is still really childlike, what with the crayon thing, and while she may speak contrary to the fact, considering that she used them and was pretty into the drawing says otherwise. This whole thing was a total bust! He had to get out of here! Get out of here, find the idiot in charge of this idea, and give the dipshit a piece of his mind! Yeah, he'd find the person who conned him into this! And the rain began to fall. -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: A Test of Strength, not of Character--A Test of Strength, not of Character: Ch 1-It was a beautiful day outside. -Rain of Sins-Jeremy galloped down the dark tunnel as fast as his quirks and augmented limbs could carry him. The secret to Shoto Todoroki's quirk, total energy nullification, and potentially unlimited energy creation, was locked away in the crimson liquid. A. Endeavor is best compared to a bull, his fighting style relies on overwhelming power and speed to completely demolish whatever is in front of him, and getting on his nerves is as easy as taunting him with a red piece of cloth. Lying on the hospital bed, like a knockoff sleeping beauty, was Momo. "The President of the United States of America is not a politician. As Prime Minister of Japan he had been put in office by a stable nation that, thanks to All Might, was the safest it had been in centuries. The back wall of his room, which had once been covered in some workout and Hero posters, was now home to a massive cork board that he had bought from a hardware store. Flowers were blooming. Izuku gets rejected from the hero course and leaves with a small group of UA students to become villains. Law enforcement was thankfully able to push back these assaults with the help of local Heroes, as well as top heroes such as All Might and Hawks, but not before -Rain of Sins--A Slippery Slope: Chapter 3-"Hey Green, ready for your first day?"-Later-"Nonononono, the red vial goes over-"-Later-"Pay attention, if you do it like this…"-Later-"You know kid… I knew you were going to surprise me one day, you are my successor after all, but I'll be honest… before this moment… -Rain of Sins--Arc Start: Phantoms Dance--Phantoms Dance: Ch 1-Three Days From Coronation. The Rain of Sins By: Z75. The Rain of Sins by Z75 What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and w… Random Bit: Ibara and Shoto have weirdly good character chemistry together. He wants to change society but his actions definitely are not morally righteous in any way. -Rain of Sins--Dark Revival: Ch 8-"Welcome back to SMASH News, where we're reporting a grim outlook for the nation. -Rain of Sins--Phantoms Dance: Ch 2-It was a grand day! The best of days! It was the day that his life's work finally came to fruition! The government had even announced it a national holiday, that's how good of a day it was! And it was such a good day, that the world had decided to give him one last treat, an appetizer before the main event. -Rain of Sins--46 hours later-Moona clutched her hat to her head as she made her way down the narrow empty streets, her usually vibrant hair, as purple as a deep space nebula, with incorporeal stars that shimmered in and out of existence to match, hung flat and soggy in the light morning rain. -Rain of Sins--Trial of Fools: Ch 9-Toshinori coughed as he hunched over the bathroom sink, and looked at the man in the mirror with an empty feeling in his gut. vrtrb lnflo zdet kaufm afykzga reyjx zyvijbn ldis gxjpc zlhsiy